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Things They Never Tell You In Css School

The best thing about css is its ability to leave your head numb and your knuckles aching from whacking your monitor in the eye.

Things I should Do Instead

Image of post it note with to do list
  • Learn to write PHP that does not return errors.
  • Sleep more.
  • Things that don't require me to sit at a computer.
  • Use tables.
  • Preach about “Semantics” like everyone else around here.
  • Use tables when a DIV doesn't cut the mustard.

CSS: stuff nightmares are made of

#rightcol { 
width: 18%;
margin-left: 3.6%; 
display: inline-block; 

Here's some wise advise.

“Oh, what a tangled website we weave when first we practice.”

The Tools

Most tools in this section can be used from this site. They are mainly related to developing according to W3C ➚ standards. But in time there will be other stuff to i hope.

The W3C CSS validator

Use the css form to validate your CSS.

The W3C (X)HTML validator

Use the html form to validate your (X)HTML.

The Cynthia validator

Use the Cynthia validator to validate your accessibility.

AccessColor Tool

The AccessColor Tool ➚ tests the color contrast and color brightness between the foreground and background of all elements to make sure that the contrast is high enough for people with visual impairments.

Assuring that you provide enough color contrast between foreground and background colors takes time and this tool will help web developers to build accessible websites by visually flagging the section(s) of a page with problematic color combinations. AccessColor will find the relevant colour combinations within your HTML and CSS documents rather than requiring you to find each value to input yourself in order to test the contrast between each colour combination.

More Pages

Links to other parts of the site.

Worth reading

Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature, such as content, code & images, created by Dzinelabs and included in this site and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, © 2009 Dzinelabs. All Rights reserved.

XHTML | CSS | Accessibility

About the author

Emigrated from Belgium to Brazil and banging his head on the table with Css frustration.

Living in the state Minas Gerais in Brazil. Originally, i'm from Belgium but emigrated to Brazil in 2007.

I'm a freelance web developer and became active with HTML and CSS in 2003.